Lover’s Spit

Originale par Broken Social Scene

C | 0-0-0-3 | UkuleleDm | 2-2-1-0 | UkuleleF | 2-0-1-0 | UkuleleG | 0-2-3-2 | Ukulele
Autoscroll Vitesse : 02 min 00
 C Dm F G   x2

C                Dm                   F G
All these people drinking lover's spit
They sit around and 
Dm                      F G
Clean their face with it
C              Dm                        F G
They listen to teeth to learn how to quit
C         Dm                  F G
Tied to a night they never met

You know it's time
That we
     F                   G
Grow old and do some shit
          C            Dm
I like it all that way
          F            G
I like it all that way

                 Dm                   F G
All these people drinking lover's spit
C          Dm                      F G
Swallowing words while giving head
C              Dm                        F G
They listen to teeth to learn how to quit
C               Dm                F G
Take some hands and get used to it

 C Dm F G   x2
 F F 

C                Dm                   F G
All those people drinking lover's spit
They sit around and 
Dm                      F G
Clean their face with it

You know it's time
That we
     F                   G
Grow old and do some shit

          C           Dm
I like it all that way
          F           G
I like it all that way
I like it all that way